Anna Karenina is a 2012 British drama film directed by Joe Wright and stared by Keira Knightley as Anna, Jude Law as Alexei Karenin and Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Vronsky. This film is adapted by Tom Stoppard from Leo Tolstoy’s 1877 novel Anna Karenina.
The film is set in late 19th century in Russia. Anna Karenina, a married aristocrat and socialite, came to Moscow to help her brother, Stiva convinced his wife, Dolly to forgive him because of affair issue. In Moscow Anna met Vronsky which they had a mutual attraction, Anna danced with Vronsky in a ball party and their love passion noticed by everyone including an upset Kitty, Stiva’s sister in law who would want to marry Vronsky. Anna left the party and board a train back to St.Pettersburg and noticed Vronsky who insisted to follow her. In St.Pettersburg, the relationship between Anna and Vronsky developed and this was catched by Anna’s husband, Karenin.After watching a horse race which Anna unintentionally admited her feelings for Vronsky publicly when she screamed worried of Vronsky’s horse collapsed and injured him. Anna finally confessed to Karenin her feelings for Vronsky and wished him to divorce her. Because divorce in Russia is public humiliation for both spouses, Karenin refused and insisted to keep up their appearances. Anna couldnt stop seeing Vronsky and the gossip of their love affair grown fast. Anna began to become outcast in society as the look of disgust and humiliation that threw at her.This film is beautiful, I love how the director shot this film as a theater show. All the cast is brought from one set to another set by the change of property, thats really cool I think. The acting? well, Keira is amazing actress and I just love Jude Law, haha (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ ~~ thats also a reason why I watch this film, cause I see the name Jude Law on the cover, nyahahaha. But anyway, I really love the cinematographic and get carried by the story since I seldom like drama genre, I even hated Anna for cheating on Karenin for a handsome younger man but well, love sometimes doesn’t make sense.In this film, we could also see how Levin never give up for Kitty’s love even though she rejected him first time he confessed to her and how Anna loves her son, and how Karenin still loves Anna even with her affair and how he loves Anna’s daughter with Vronksky and even raise her as his own child. ahh Love Love Love.
yup, that drama for you today, see you in another post by me, byee <(^o^)/
Cuih Cuit thanks to, imdb - anna karenina 2012
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